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SSCN / RESEARCH  / Social Change 001 – Parker, Morgan, Farooq, Moreland and Pitchford 2019

Social Change 001 – Parker, Morgan, Farooq, Moreland and Pitchford 2019

What is it about? (Aim/objectives)

Assess the Sporting Youth intervention on the development of citizenship and counter anti-social behaviours of vulnerable youth (13-19 years old).

Where is it from? (Context/location)

UK – Project sites (community sport clubs) in three UK cities at inner-city boroughs.

Who are involve? (Research participants)

Selected participant from Sporting Youth hubs offering up to 200 youth engaged in sport activities about two to three times per week, and some being engage in multiple other activities (e.g. exchange
programmes, fundraising, offering sport to younger children).

What are the readings and main concepts?
  • Sport based interventions as vehicles for social change and of social control across the development of policy interventions and funding of ‘sport for social good’ funding.
  • Reduce youth crime through sport among marginalised and hard-to-reach youth – using:
    • Distract/surveillance mechanism
    • Mental/cognitive behaviour therapy
    • ‘Hook for relationship strategy
  • Sport and citizen development and aspects of citizenship – personally responsible (character development), participatory and justice-oriented.
What are the main findings? (Results)
  • Development of passive citizenship by making positive life choices, respond to contemporary societal challenges, learnt anger management (acceptance and compassion) and make friends across (gang) ‘turf territories).
  • Develop active citizenship – engage in problem-solving, entrepreneurship and leadership skills to foster deeper engagement in community and civic life (justice and participatory citizenship).
  • Successful/impactful activities – Night-time Football League (NFL), two-week exchange to Dublin programme, a fundraising event, present sports (football, basketball and cricket) to local primary schools.
  • Main outcomes – social engagement, community cohesion (deeper involvement), but mostly passive versions of citizenship developed and provided social control.
What are the main lessons? (Discussion/Reflections/Learnings)
  • Type of activities deliver different types of citizenship – but ‘passive’ forms of citizenship are easier to achieve. This should be a building block to design programmes for the development of a deeper community engagement and the development of active citizenship.
  • Engaging with a wider network of people (youth and adults) and agencies.
  • Advocate against the stigma associated with certain communities and local youth.
Is it useful? (Chat room, knowledge sharing)
  • Organisations may design their activities to deliver on citizenship development and forming a positive (youth) identity.
  • Being aware of passive and active forms of citizenship

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