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Dona’s Mates Youth Development Project

Generic Logo Soccer Ball

Dona’s Mates Youth Development Project implements (football) activities and life skills programs for children, young people and youth in order to teach them to live a positive lifestyle. Sports provides an environment and opportunity for young people to learn skills such as discipline, confidence and leadership. Dona’s Mates approach is not only aimed at recreational, increasing physical fitness and competitive activities it also uses sport to teach core values such as tolarance, cooperation and respect. The project attempts to divorce youth from drugs abuse, alcohol abuse, crime, violence, HIV and Aids, and also early pregnancy. The popularity of football and other ball sporting codes are a perfect mediun to transmit key messages about HIV/AIDS prevention to young people at risk and to provide children and youth with the skills necessary to establish and sustain healthy behaviour patterns. Football’s overwhelming popularity facilitates open discussion about sensititve issues such as safer sex, stigma and discrimination. it thus provides a powerful communication and mobilization platform for effective prevention campagins.