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Cool Play

Sport for development programme that works in underprivileged communities in South Africa...

Playsport 365

Play Sports 365

We teach the child skills needed and different codes of sports like cricket, volleyball, soccer, athletics, tennis, netball, base ball....

Nemato Change a Life

Nemato Change a Life offers a 'cradle to career' empowerment programme for disadvantaged youth in Nelson Mandela Township....


Top Star Sports Management

In our sport development initiatives, we focus more on junior players and on disadvantaged communities. We also provide life skills programs that make the social change in different communities....

United Through Sport Action Banner

United Through Sport

Our mission is to help disadvantaged communities reach their full potential through sport, education and health....

Nyara Youth Development Action Banner

Nyara Youth Development

We focus on creating transformation and equalizing access to opportunity; stretching mindsets to be aligned to 21st-century thinking and helping marginalized youth...